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  • Industrial Design
  • Startup Design Support
  • Concept visualization
  • Social Design

Tidying becomes play

In Industrial Design

Hydrogen designed

In Conceptvisualisatie / Industrieel Ontwerp / Startup Design Support

A new resolution

In Industrieel Ontwerp / Startup Design Support

A stainless Ecosystem

In Industrieel Ontwerp / Startup Design Support

A device designed as a building

In Industrieel Ontwerp / Startup Design Support

15 minutes envisioned

In Concept visualization

All-Dutch patterns

In Industrial Design

Get a grip

In Industrieel Ontwerp / Startup Design Support

Offline play in times of Corona

In Industrial design / Social design

Nabijheid op intuitie

In Industrieel Ontwerp / Startup Design Support

Careful design by ARKL

In Industrieel Ontwerp / Social Design / Startup Design Support

Clean radii

In Industrieel Ontwerp / Startup Design Support

Positivity that sticks

In Concept visualization / Social design

Purposeful rust

In Industrial design / Social design

Frames of Kindness

In Concept visualization / Social design

Design for reuse

In Industrial Design

Fifty fiery wishes

In Social Design

Form follows taste

In Industrieel Ontwerp / Startup Design Support

Human-centered design for a hightech startup

In Industrial Design

Collaborative home improvement

In Concept visualization / Social design

Interactive exhibition elements for a truck museum

In Concept visualization

Iconic e-bike design for a very Dutch brand

In Industrial Design

Mental healthcare co-creation

In Conceptvisualisatie / Industrieel Ontwerp / Social Design / Startup Design Support

Iconic design for cognitive- physical training device

In Industrieel Ontwerp / Startup Design Support

Redesign of a classic balance bike

In Industrial Design

Rijk-gedetailleerde stadsfiets

In Industrial Design

50's design driven by millenial technology

In Industrial Design

Comic strip about a turbulent neighborhood

In Concept visualization / Social design

Intentionally simple design

In Industrial Design

Packaging innovation

In Industrial Design

Grafisch ogende stadsfiets met een knipoog naar Escher

In Industrial Design

Design of a recurring drinking cup

In Industrial Design

Ontwerp van een innovatief ultrasound-platform

In Industrial Design

A narrowcasting-platform for elderly

In Social Design

How to design a social bench with kids

In Social Design

Fourty memories of a first car

In Social Design

Tribute to a transport bike

In Industrial Design

Urban planning facilitated by citizens

In Concept visualization / Social design

Urban vision forming approached as a design project

In Concept visualization

The least realistic trash bin ever

In Concept visualization / Industrial design / Social design

3D-engineered bicycle graphics

In Industrieel Ontwerp / Startup Design Support

Elderly and kids playing together in the sandbox

In Social Design

A sketch that ends up on a barbecue

In Concept visualization

Strategic design support for a tech-startup

In Conceptvisualisatie / Industrieel Ontwerp / Startup Design Support

What kind of taxi is that?

In Social Design

Turning a hundred concepts into one succesful trimmer

In Concept Visualization / Industrial design

An armchair as an ode to an elderly mother

In Social Design

Drawing and talking at a coffin

In Concept visualization / Social design

Live sketching during a conference

In Concept visualization / Social design

Gebruiksvriendelijkheid ten tijde van mechatronische innovatie

In Industrial Design

Ideas for a city with a problem

In Concept visualization / Social design

Elderly people becoming designers

In Concept visualization / Social design

How to turn a village visit into an experience

In Concept visualization / Social design

Autism spectrum disorder innovation sessions

In Concept visualization / Social design

Een ludiek onderzoek naar hondenpoep op straat

In Social Design

A collection af stories from a troubled neighbourhood

In Social Design

Design as a tribute to an iconic brand

In Industrial Design

A stove range design that radiates

In Industrial Design

Cost-saving design at the office

In Industrial Design

A smart balance bike that gradually grows along

In Industrial Design

Design of signage system for Chemelot

In Industrial Design

Animated educational visuals for TU/e

In Concept visualization

An eco system dressed up as a water tower

In Industrial design / Social design

A sketch emerging into an exhibition stand

In Concept visualization

Dapper herontwerpen

In Industrieel Ontwerp / Startup Design Support

Design of a human-centered machine

In Industrial Design

A range of tricycles that new stop moving

In Industrieel Ontwerp / Startup Design Support

A device range that incorporates both motorists and mechanics

In Industrial Design

Keukenontwerpen zonder Piet Zwart

In Concept Visualization / Industrial design

Jamie's Big Boy

In Industrial Design

Lab-technology made mobile

In Industrial Design

Extractor hoods worth looking at

In Industrial Design

Participative funeral products

In Industrial design / Social design