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Positivity that sticks


The neighborhood association of the Eindhoven district 't Ven asked the Hartendamesto make an inventory of its residents wishes and needs. Residents could indicate what they wanted to change or improve in their neighborhood. What emerged was that two-thirds of the wishes stemmed from a need for social contact.


This insight cried out for a neighborhood event but unfortunately the covid 19 pandemic limited our options. Instead, I launched project Wensterbankje and also designed a wish sticker that refers to te districts pride: the Evoluon event building.


The glue-free window sticker (the same material as car window stickers) is provided with an clarifying comic strip, as part of the neighborhood magazine distributed within the neighborhood (approx. 1900 households). In the weeks that followed, neighborhood residents wrote their heart's wishes on the stickers and applied them to their windows. A small boost for passers-by and a contribution to the social connection in this beautiful district.


This project was supported by Stichting Wijkoverleg ‘t Ven, residents of 't Ven, Buurtcultuurfonds Woonbedrijf, CKE Eindhoven, Hartendames and almost-neighbor Stickercompany.


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