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Keukenontwerpen zonder Piet Zwart


The kitchen segment is classically divided into different segments, such as suppliers of cabinets, equipment, suppliers of tops and parties that install the kitchen. Because product innovation takes place within those segments and not from an overarching approach, it remains a fairly conservative market.


Natural stone countertop expert Arte approached Van Berlo and Bruynzeel Keukens to approach kitchen innovation in a holistic way and to arrive at cross-segment solutions.


Inspired by Piet Zwart's design vision from the 1950s (form follows function). As lead designer at Van Berlo, I explored how kitchens are used together with Arte and Bruynzeel where innovation opportunities lie and what they can look like. An important tool in this regard were sketch visualisations and prototypes, which quickly provided insight into solutions and were used to obtain feedback from the market.


The integrated approach and co-creation method yielded a number of insights and ideas that led directly and indirectly to improvements within the ranges of the participants.


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