A new resolution


The Nanos SEM is a next-generation tabletop electron microscope developed by the Eindhoven-based company Phe-nx, whose dream it was to create a microscope that is both high-quality, easy to use and affordable.


The device combines state-of-the-art technology with high image quality and an architecture that is easy to use and maintain. By arranging internal components in a radically new way, a very compact instrument has been created. The Nanos reflects 200+ years of relevant experience, in-depth knowledge of the EM market and the work of a highly driven development team.


The challenge for Rake Lijnen was to create a recognizable housing design that emphasizes these qualities without compromising on user-friendliness. In close collaboration with Phe-nX, Rake Lijnen also provided aesthetic elements on which the startup could base its brand identity. Doing so, we had to nail our colours to the mast...


For more information, check: Phe-nx,


Emile Asselbergs, CEO and co-owner at Phe-nx:
We are highly pleased with the result. It is great to work with partners just like you, who have a feel for what’s needed and wanted, and are willing to “walk the extra mile”!


Richard Geschiere, CCO Phe-nx:
We zijn ontzettend blij met het fantastische resultaat. Het was een genot om met je samen te werken; je praktische aanpak, materiaalkennis, mechatronica, produktieprocessen en uiteraard estethiek. Pure vakmanschap! Trots op de Nanos


Microscopic images: © Phe-nx 2023


Design agency Rake Lijnen supports technology startups since 2013 by translating their vision into commercially successful solutions. Curious what this could mean for your organization? Get in touch!